Unlike traditional apps that rely on centralized servers, MiniDapps operate locally on devices, allowing for secure, efficient, and autonomous operations. This ensures that users maintain full control over their data and interactions, without needing intermediaries.
WhitepaperRun a node
Become a part of the Minima network. All it takes is a simple app download.
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Run a nodeMiniDapp Tutorials
Learn how to build a MiniDapp by following our step-by-step tutorials
Video Tutorials
Watch live demonstrations of developers building on Minima
Additional Resources
Developer resources from the Minima documentation
The MiniDapp System library mds.js provides access to an MDS object that enables useful functionality when building MiniDapps.
MDS - Using Typescript
Learn how to use MDS with Typescript to build typesafe and developer friendly MiniDapps.
Minima Events can be listened for, so that users can be notified when specific on-chain events occur.