
In this tutorial you will create a MiniDapp that displays, and saves block statistics. This tutorial will give you a good foundation to build skills and understanding of the Minima ecosystem.

Please read through and complete the pre-requisites before starting the tutorial.

Tutorial Repo


Create a MiniDapp that displays statistics about the chain and updates in the background

Pre - requisites

There are no special hardware requirements for building a MiniDapp.

You will need:

A laptop or server with the command line interface open A code editor, for example VS Code

and Java installed

To check if you already have Java installed type java -version in your Terminal/CLI

The minima.jar java file downloaded

Start a single test node

Starting a node with -genesis will start your own private test chain from the genesis (first) block with 1 billion coins to spend.

  • Create a new folder called minima and copy the minima.jar into that folder.
  • Copy the path to the folder
  • Open a new command line interface and cd into that folder - Enter the following:
java -jar minima.jar -data minidata -basefolder minidata -genesis -test -nop2p -mdsenable -mdspassword [INSERT PASSWORD]

Replace INSERT PASSWORD with a custom password for the test node.

You will notice the minidata folder has been created in your minima folder. This will start a node on the default ports of 9001-5.

You should see the node starting up. You can type commands directly into the console, try entering balance to check your balance.

  • Type help for the full list of Minima commands.
  • Access your MiniDapp hub by going to
  • Accept the security warning and login with the password you set above


In this advanced tutorial, we will create a MiniDapp that:

  • Uses service.js to create a background service
  • Records data from the blockchain
  • Stores the data in a lightweight SQL database
  • Analyses the recorded data to display statistics about the chain

Step 1 - Config file & icon

  • Create a new folder for your wallet MiniDapp, call it ministats.
  • Inside that folder, create your dapp.conf. file as below

  "name": "Mini Stats",
  "icon": "favicon.ico",
  "version": "1.0",
  "description": "A MiniDapp dashboard.",

Choose an icon for your MiniDapp and save it in your ministats folder

Step 2 - Ministats interface

Let's create a webpage to display the following statistics:

  • Latest block speed
  • Average block speed for the last 10, 100, 500 and 1000 blocks
  • Latest block difficulty (HEX)
  • Current Chain weight (hashes)
  • Current Cascade weight (hashes)
  • Total Chain weight

Ensure you have the latest mds.js downloaded and save it in your mywallet folder.

Create an index.html file containing the following code:

<!--   The MINIMA MDS JavaScript Library -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="mds.js"></script>
<!--   The MiniStats JS File -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="ministats.js"></script>
<!--   The ChartsJS import -->
<script src=""></script>
<!--   The ChartsJS JS File -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="charts.js"></script>
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico" />

<title>Mini Stats</title>
<!-- HTML Elements for MiniStats -->

<h2>Block info</h2>
<p>Current block: <span id="current-block"></span></p>
<p>Current block time: <span id="current-block-time"></span></p>
<p>Current block speed: <span id="block-speed"></span></p>
<p>Current block difficulty: <span id="block-difficulty"></span></p>
<p>Current block hash: <span id="block-hash"></span></p>
<br />
<h2>Chain info</h2>
<p>Current Chain weight: <span id="chain-weight"></span></p>
<p>Current Cascade weight: <span id="cascade-weight"></span></p>
<p>Total Chain weight: <span id="total-weight"></span></p>
<br />

<h2>Speed statistics</h2>
<p>Block Speeds:</p>
  <li>Previous 10 blocks:</li>
  <p>Average speed: <span id="previous-ten"></span></p>
  <br />
  <canvas id="myChart" style="width: 100%; max-width: 700px"></canvas>

  <br />
  <li>Previous 100 blocks:</li>
  <p>Average speed: <span id="previous-hundred"></span></p>
  <br />
  <canvas id="myChart2" style="width: 100%; max-width: 700px"></canvas>

  <br />
  <li>Previous 1000 blocks:</li>
  <p>Average speed: <span id="previous-thousand"></span></p>
  <br />
  <canvas id="myChart3" style="width: 100%; max-width: 700px"></canvas>

<script type="text/javascript">
  MDS.init(function (msg) {
    if (msg.event === "inited") {
      // Create the metrics DB table on initialization

      // Display the metrics table on the page
      // Display the charts on the page
      displayCharts(function () {
        MDS.log("Previous ten blocks displayed")
    } else if (msg.event === "NEWBLOCK") {
      // Refresh the metrics table on the page
      // Refresh the charts on the page

  // Function to display the metrics table on the page
  function displayMetrics() {
    MDS.cmd("status", function (msg) {
      const currentBlockNumber = msg.response.chain.block
      const currentBlockTime = msg.response.chain.time
      const currentBlockSpeed = msg.response.chain.speed
      const currentBlockDifficulty = msg.response.chain.difficulty
      const currentBlockChainweight = msg.response.chain.weight
      const currentBlockCascadeWeight = msg.response.chain.cascade.weight
      const currentBlockHash = msg.response.chain.hash
      const totalWeight = msg.response.weight

      document.getElementById("current-block").innerText = currentBlockNumber
      document.getElementById("block-speed").innerText =
        (1 / currentBlockSpeed).toFixed(1) + " s/block"
      document.getElementById("block-difficulty").innerText =

      document.getElementById("chain-weight").innerText =
      document.getElementById("cascade-weight").innerText =
      document.getElementById("current-block-time").innerText =
      document.getElementById("block-hash").innerText = currentBlockHash
      document.getElementById("total-weight").innerText = totalWeight

save the file as index.html in your ministats folder.

Step 3 - Back end (service.js)

We will now create our service.js file which will listen to the chain and record data about the latest block with every NEWBLOCK event.

Initialise MDS and create a sql table to record the following data:

  • Block number
  • Block time and date
  • Block hash
  • Block Difficulty
  • Chain weight
  • Cascade weight

Steps: Create a service.js file containing the following code:


MDS.init(function (msg) {
  if (msg.event == "inited") {
      createMetricsTable(function () {
      MDS.log("Metrics table created")
  } else if (msg.event == "NEWBLOCK") {
    MDS.log("New block event saved to metrics table")

Create a ministats.js file for your SQL operations and JavaScript functions and insert the following code:

// Description: This function is used to save block metrics to a database
function saveNewBlock(msg) {
// Get block number from message response from NEWBLOCK event
const blockNumber = parseInt(;
// Check if block is already saved
isBlockSaved(blockNumber, function (saved) {
  // If block is not saved, build metric row and save it to the DB
  if (!saved) {

// Description: This function is used to create a metrics table in the database
function createMetricsTable(callback) {
// SQL query to create metrics table
var initsql =
  "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `metrics` ( " +
  "  `id` bigint auto_increment, " +
  "  `blockTime` varchar(160) NOT NULL, " +
  "  `blockHash` varchar(160) NOT NULL, " +
  "  `blockDifficulty` varchar(160) NOT NULL, " +
  "  `blockNumber` int NOT NULL, " +
  "  `blockSpeed` float NOT NULL, " +
  "  `chainWeight` varchar(160) NOT NULL, " +
  "  `cascadeWeight` varchar(160) NOT NULL " +
  " )";

// Call SQL from MDS API  to create metrics table in the database
MDS.sql(initsql, function (res) {
  MDS.log("Creating metrics table");
  if (!res.status) {
    MDS.log("Error creating metrics table " + res.message);
  if (callback) {

// Description: This function is used to build a metric row for a block
function buildMetricRow(blockNumber) {
// Call MDS API to get status of node
MDS.cmd("status", function (msg) {
  // Get response from message
  const response = msg.response.chain;
  // Build metric object with block metrics
  const metric = {
    time: response.time,
    blockSpeed: response.speed,
    chainweight: response.weight,
    difficulty: response.difficulty,
    cascadeWeight: response.cascade.weight,
    blockNumber: blockNumber,
    blockHash: response.hash,
  // Store metric in the database

// Description: This function is used to store a metric in the database
function storeMetric(metric) {
const MAX_ROWS_IN_TABLE = 4320; // 4k rows is about 1 day (at 20s per block)

// SQL query to insert metric into metrics table
const INSERT =
  "INSERT INTO metrics (blockTime, blockHash, cascadeWeight, blockSpeed, chainWeight, blockDifficulty, blockNumber) VALUES (";
const SQL =
  "'" +
  metric.time +
  "', " +
  "'" +
  metric.blockHash +
  "', " +
  metric.cascadeWeight +
  ", " +
  metric.blockSpeed +
  ", " +
  "'" +
  metric.chainweight +
  "'," +
  "'" +
  metric.difficulty +
  "'," +
  metric.blockNumber +

// Call MDS API to insert metric into metrics table
MDS.sql(SQL, function (res) {
  if (res.status == true) {
    MDS.log("metric row added success");
  } else {
    MDS.log("metric row added failed");

// Call MDS API to clip metrics table to a certain number of rows
MDS.sql(clipMetricsTable(MAX_ROWS_IN_TABLE), function (res) {
  if (res.status == true) {

// Description: This function is used to clip the metrics table to a certain number of rows
function clipMetricsTable(numberOfRowsToKeep) {
return (
  "WHERE id NOT IN (" +
  "SELECT id " +
  "ORDER BY blockNumber DESC " +
  "LIMIT " +
  numberOfRowsToKeep +

// Description: This function is used to delete the metrics table
function deleteTable() {
const DELETE = "DROP TABLE metrics";
MDS.sql(DELETE, function (res) {
  if (res.status == true) {
    MDS.log("table deleted");
  } else {
    MDS.log("table delete failed");

// Description: This function is used to check if a block is already saved in the database
function isBlockSaved(blockNumber, callback) {
const SELECT = "SELECT * FROM metrics WHERE blockNumber = " + blockNumber;
MDS.sql(SELECT, function (res) {
  if (res.status == true) {
    if (res.rows.length > 0) {
    } else {

Save the file as service.js and ministats.js in your ministats folder.

Step 4 - Charts

We will now create a chart.js file to display the block speed statistics in a graphical format.

Create a charts.js file containing the following code:

function displayCharts(callback) {
  // Select previous 10 blocks query
  const SELECT = "SELECT * FROM metrics ORDER BY blockNumber DESC LIMIT 10"

  // Select previous 10 blocks from DB
  MDS.sql(SELECT, function (res) {
    if (res.status == true) {
      // Get rows from response
      const rows = res.rows
      // Initialize total speed, xdata, and ydata
      let totalSpeed = 0
      let xdata = []
      let ydata = []

      // Iterate through rows
      rows.forEach((row) => {
        // Add block speed to total speed
        totalSpeed += parseFloat(row.BLOCKSPEED)

        // Push time and speed to respective arrays for chart

        // Get the blockspeed by dividing 1 by BLOCKSPEED
        ydata.push(parseFloat(1 / row.BLOCKSPEED))

      // Calculate average speed
      const averageSpeed = totalSpeed / rows.length

      // Check if there are at least 10 rows
      if (rows.length >= 10) {
        // Update previous ten blocks average speed
        document.getElementById("previous-ten").innerText =
          (1 / averageSpeed).toFixed(1) + " s/block"

        // Create chart for block speed
        new Chart("myChart", {
          type: "line",
          data: {
            labels: xdata.reverse(),
            datasets: [
                fill: false,
                lineTension: 0,
                backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,255,1.0)",
                borderColor: "rgba(0,0,255,0.1)",
                data: ydata.reverse(),
          options: {
            legend: { display: false },
            scales: {
              yAxes: [
                  ticks: {
                    // Display 1/BLOCKSPEED for better visualization
                    callback: function (value) {
                      return value.toFixed(1) + " s/block"
        // If there are less than 10 rows
      } else {
        // Display N/A for previous ten blocks average speed
        document.getElementById("previous-ten").innerText =
          "N/A (less than 10 blocks)"
        // Hide chart
        document.getElementById("myChart").style.display = "none"

  // Select previous 100 blocks query
  const SELECT100 = "SELECT * FROM metrics ORDER BY blockNumber DESC LIMIT 100"

  // Select previous 100 blocks from DB
  MDS.sql(SELECT100, function (res) {
    if (res.status == true) {
      // Get rows from response
      const rows = res.rows

      // Initialize total speed, xdata, ydata and ydataDifficultyChart variables
      let totalSpeed = 0
      let xdata = []
      let ydata = []

      // Iterate through rows
      rows.forEach((row) => {
        // Add block speed to total speed
        totalSpeed += parseFloat(row.BLOCKSPEED)

        // Push time and speed to respective arrays for chart

        // Get the blockspeed by dividing 1 by BLOCKSPEED
        ydata.push(parseFloat(1 / row.BLOCKSPEED))

      // Calculate average speed
      const averageSpeed = totalSpeed / rows.length

      // Check if there are at least 100 rows
      if (rows.length >= 100) {
        // Update previous 100 blocks average speed and difficulty
        document.getElementById("previous-hundred").innerText =
          (1 / averageSpeed).toFixed(1) + " s/block"

        // Create chart for block speed
        new Chart("myChart2", {
          type: "line",
          data: {
            labels: xdata.reverse(),
            datasets: [
                fill: false,
                lineTension: 0,
                backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,255,1.0)",
                borderColor: "rgba(0,0,255,0.1)",
                data: ydata.reverse(),
          options: {
            legend: { display: false },
            scales: {
              yAxes: [
                  ticks: {
                    // display 1/BLOCKSPEED for better visualization
                    callback: function (value) {
                      return value.toFixed(1) + " s/block"
      } else {
        // Display N/A for previous ten blocks average speed
        document.getElementById("previous-hundred").innerText =
          "N/A (less than 100 blocks)"

        // Hide chart
        document.getElementById("myChart2").style.display = "none"

  // Select previous 1000 blocks query
  const SELECT1000 =
    "SELECT * FROM metrics ORDER BY blockNumber DESC LIMIT 1000"

  // Select previous 1000 blocks from DB
  MDS.sql(SELECT1000, function (res) {
    if (res.status == true) {
      // Get rows from response
      const rows = res.rows

      // Initialize total speed, xdata, ydata
      let totalSpeed = 0
      let xdata = []
      let ydata = []

      // Iterate through rows
      rows.forEach((row) => {
        // Add block speed to total speed
        totalSpeed += parseFloat(row.BLOCKSPEED)

        // Push time and speed to respective arrays for chart

        // Get the blockspeed by dividing 1 by BLOCKSPEED
        ydata.push(parseFloat(1 / row.BLOCKSPEED))

      // Calculate average speed
      const averageSpeed = totalSpeed / rows.length

      // Check if there are at least 100 rows
      if (rows.length >= 1000) {
        // Update previous 100 blocks average speed
        document.getElementById("previous-thousand").innerText =
          (1 / averageSpeed).toFixed(1) + " s/block"

        // Create chart for block speed
        new Chart("myChart3", {
          type: "line",
          data: {
            labels: xdata.reverse(),
            datasets: [
                fill: false,
                lineTension: 0,
                backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,255,1.0)",
                borderColor: "rgba(0,0,255,0.1)",
                data: ydata.reverse(),
          options: {
            legend: { display: false },
            scales: {
              yAxes: [
                  ticks: {
                    // display 1/BLOCKSPEED for better visualization
                    callback: function (value) {
                      return value.toFixed(1) + " s/block"
      } else {
        // Display N/A for previous ten blocks average speed
        document.getElementById("previous-thousand").innerText =
          "N/A (less than 100 blocks)"

        // Hide chart
        document.getElementById("myChart2").style.display = "none"

Save the file as charts.js in your ministats folder.

Step 5 - Zip up and install your MiniDapp

The next step is to zip up your wallet and install it onto your node. You should now have a folder structure that looks like this:

styling.css (optional)

  • Open your ministats folder and select all the contents and send them to a zip file.(DO NOT ZIP THE helloworld FOLDER ITSELF)
  • Name the zip folder
  • Log into your MiniDapp Hub at and click on the + button to install your MiniDapp.
  • Select your file and click install

Alternatively, from the Minima Terminal, run the command:

mds action:install

Example: mds action:install file:C:\Users\yourname\

Now you can open your MiniDapp Hub and see your MiniDapp installed!

Debug settings

When developing, it is useful to run your code locally to avoid having to zip up and install your miniDapp onto a node every time you make a change.

  • To see live changes in your MiniDapp we recommend installing the Live Server VS Code extension (or any other live server feature that your code editor has)
  • Install the MiniDapp onto your MiniHub, open it and copy the long UID string located in the URL in the browser after index.html?uid=
  • Open up your ministats folder and open the mds.js file
  • Find the DEBUG_MINIDAPPID: variable and replace 0x00 with your minidapp UID string
  • Navigate back to your MiniHub and copy the host number in the URL e.g. and the port number e.g. 9003
  • Find the DEBUG_HOST: variable and paste your host number surrounded by double quotes “
  • Find the DEBUG_PORT: variable and paste your port number
  • Save mds.js and start your live server. If using Live Server in VS code, click on Go Live in the bottom right to launch it.

That's it you are all set!

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